Was ist Managed WordPress Hosting, welche Vorteile bietet es und für wen ist es geeignet? Diese und weitere Fragen stelle ich in einem Interview an Marcus Krämer von HostPress. Finde heraus, ob und wie Managed WordPress Hosting deinem Online Business helfen kann.
Zum Artikel: Was ist Managed WordPress Hosting und was unterscheidet HostPress von anderen Anbietern?
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2 Antworten
Hi Danijel,
The interview is very interesting. I’m unable to comment there. Pasting my comment here.
„Interesting! Almost all the questions answered perfectly.
Just a few days ago, I tried out Cloudways that has Varnish at the backend which really boosted my website performance but, they do not offer emails for free. I know, it’s good to keep separate emails from hosting, but at the moment, I can not bear the cost.
Do you also offer Varnish and emails for free? If yes, please answer.“
Hi Luki,
thanks for your comment! HostPress is using WP Rocket for caching/speed with a specific server configuration so there is no need for Varnish. The price list for the emails you can find here: https://www.hostpress.de/preisliste/
Kind regards, Danijel